Terezie Nekvindová
Terezie Nekvindová is an art historian working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In 2014, she was awarded a PhD for her thesis on exhibition making in the 1960s. She specialises in modern and contemporary art and currently focuses on exhibition histories and the history of curating. She is the co-author of Výstava jako médium. České umění 1957−1999 [The Exhibition as Medium. Czech Art 1957−1999] (with Pavlína Morganová and Dagmar Svatošová, VVP AVU, 2020), Stanislav Kolíbal. Former Uncertain Indicated (Dieter Bogner and Adam Budak eds., Walter König Verlag, 2019), Automat na výstavu. Československý pavilon na Expo 67 v Montrealu (with Daniela Kramerová et al., AVU, GAVU Cheb, 2017), and many other texts.